Taco Bell in Costa Rica offers nacho bell grande made out of doritos!

I am a big fan of nacho bell grande. I enjoy it from taco bell and homemade as well. I am so used to hearing people using tositos

chips for nacho supreme. That is so common. As good as it tastes with  tostitos chips, it tastes even better

with doritos. For doritos offers nacho bell grande more flavor.

Flavor is very important with food and cooking.

Therefore, I have great news! Taco Bell Costa Rica offers doritos locos

nachos, also known as nacho supreme using dorito chips.

Doritos locos nachos come two for the price of one after 10pm as

a late night special. Maybe one day they can offer a dorito nacho

supreme here in America in all 50 states. That would be creative

and bright.
